Thursday 7 April 2011


I have a bit of an on-again-off-again relationship with coffee/caffeine in general.

When I was a young buck, I drank coffee and energy drinks etc. quite frequently. Not like, heeeaps. But fairly regularly. Then I developed an intolerance (I can't call it an allergy since it hasn't been officially diagnosed :P) to them. So I cut energy drinks right out of my diet. And coffee..well..I just drank LESS of it. I have the odd relapse now and then. Like when I was on holiday this year and everyone was drinking coffee like it was going out of fashion and I got caught up in the craziness and drank WAY too much of it (for me and my tolerance level) and ended up feeling completely wretched and swore off it.

Anyways. Today I had a real coffee for the first time in a while.

Now I'm jittery as anything.

I feel like doing an intense cardio work out, then climbing up Mount Everest..
Then spending a few hours in a mosh pit.

Anyone wanna go to Nepal?

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