Sunday 22 May 2011

Teacups From Nana Brown

My nana came to visit a few weeks ago. Last time she was here (in January), we got into discussions about glory boxes and how me and my friend Jamie wanted to start them. Since then I've been slowly collecting bits and pieces for my glory box and it's starting to fill up. I love opening it up and looking at all my treasures in there that will one day be used by me and (hopefully :P) my family. 

Anyways. So back to my nana. She found some things that she had gathered back when she was my age to go in to her glory box, and decided to pass them on to me for my glory box. My favourite things she gave me were these tea cups. I absolutely adore them! 

Cute cute cuuute!

I think I like this one best.

There's something really cool about pre-loved things, and something even more special when they're handed down from your family members. I think it's so cool that these tea cups were originally bought (or is it "brought"..?) to go into my nana's glory box in preparation for a whole new life that lay ahead of her, and now they're going into mine, also in preparation for a whole new season in my life that lies ahead.

 I have absolutely no idea where they'll go, who will use them, or even when they'll get used, but for now they sit in my glory box as both a part of my nana's history, and a part of my future.
 How magnificent. 

Here's to the future. 
(Hopefully one involving lots of tea parties)

P.S. One day soon I will take photos of the things in my glory box and post them. 

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