Monday 4 July 2011

Box of badges (or buttons or whatever you want to call them)

I've been collecting badges for like, 12 years or so, but these days my collection tends to just sit in a box under my bed. So, you can imagine the creative sparks that were going off in my brain when I found this picture on Pinterest the other day!

SUCH  cool idea! I'm not sure if I like the heart shape, but I think the badges stuck onto a canvas is completely BRILLIANT. I'm still not sure whether I will actually do this, because most of my badges have quite a lot of sentimental value attached to them and it would seem kinda wrong to permanently glue them to a canvas but..we'll see. I do want to do something with them because it feels equally wrong to have them just sitting under my bed. 
Anyways, so today I decided to get my box of badges and see what came about. First I lay them on a canvas to see what it would look like, and I quite like it. Even in a heart shape.

What do you think? 
Not bad, huh? I'm not 100% convinced yet. And also, if I were to go ahead and glue them on, I probably wouldn't use those exact ones haha. There's some real weird ones on there! Like the old man with writing from some mysterious language..kinda weird..haha

I found these ones that I forgot I had too..

I love this one! Hahaha. I want to wear it everyday. 

I love lame puns

Bit of a collage. 

So there you have it. My box of badges.

 I used to be a chronic collector when I was little. Everything from tic tac boxes, stickers, winnie the pooh stuff (anything and everything) to those little mondo toys that you bought for like $1.20 in a box with a name it, I collected it.

 It's so funny when you look back and think about all the time and money that got used on collections and little treasures that you felt like you would love forever. Makes me kinda wonder what I might be wasting my time + money on these days..haha. I suppose that's why Jesus advised us to, " up for yourselves treasures in heaven" (Mat. 6:20). Hmm. Nice way to end on a spiritual note, eh! Haha.

Be blessed, beautiful people. 
Megan. xo 

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