Friday 22 July 2011

A Book in my Bag.

I've decided recently, in attempt to read more, I should keep a book in my handbag at all times because it's surprising how many times in a day/week that you find yourself in those situations where you have nothing to do (i.e. waiting for a bus or something). So rather than checking my facebook every 2 minutes for potential notifications, I'm going to try and get some reading done and in the process feed my brain something with a little more substance than instead of..."so and so likes your status". 

Anyways, so this is the literature of choice for my handbag at present. 

It's a really good book. 

I got it last week from an opshop that is quite possibly the closest thing to Heaven that I've discovered on Earth. I kid you not. It's FULL of books on every faith-related topic you can think of from intense as theology texts to Christian biographies to books on worship, leadership, gifts of the Holy Spirit, spiritual name it, it's there. 
It's so awesome. 
And really cheap too! I think the most expensive book I got was like, $4 or something and that was quite a big textbook that I got for my Theology III paper coming up next year. 

Anyways. Just thought I would share that with you. 
I'll let you know what my next handbag book is once I get done reading this one. :)

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