Tuesday 19 July 2011

Microwave Rainbow Smores.

There they were..tiny little multicoloured marshmallows sitting all cute and tiny and marshmallowy on the bench..

Nearby on the same bench were the simple, yet delicious round-wine biscuits sitting all simple and delicious and round-winey ...

and then the thought hits me..


Okay so it wasn't as glorious and dramatic as I make it sound, but there was a lot of enthusiasm and passion in this glorious smore-making process. But that could have something to do with the coffee I had made earlier combined with my low tolerance to caffeine.  Hmm.

Anywho. I made a smore. And then the second time 'round I added chocolate!

Bubbly chocolate to be precise! Yum yum yum! Here is my second attempt all loaded up and ready to be nuked in the microwave..

This is a disastrous photo but I just like it 'cause you can see the little marshmallows going all puffy and exploding haha. Beautiful.

And then this is what it looks like when you take it out of the microwave..kinda messy..

BUT then you plop the top on and oh my! What a treat! Party in the mouth fo' shoa!

Ooey gooey deliciousity! 
(I might have just used a non-word, but that's okay..)

So exciting that I got chocolate on my glasses..woops..

So there you have it. Microwave Rainbow Smores. Try it! 

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