Tuesday 11 October 2011

A Fresh Start

Okay, so I havn't written a blog post in a long long time. However, I've been thinking recently that I should get back in to it and start posting some stuff again. But, the thing is...I didn't really know what I should write about. I first started blogging so I could, I dunno, share some stories from my life, write about recipes, DIY projects, music, books, random thoughts and WHATEVER, but the thing is...I don't have ALL that much time to spend writing on here, and in reality, if I wrote about EVERYTHING going on my life, I would be writing forever and it would make a really long and boring post that no-one would have the patience to sit and read. Life is too awesome, and too full to write about everything! And, I'm not one of those types who likes to use my blog as a journal and blurt out all of my feelings all over the interweb for you poor souls to read about haha. 

SO, I have come to a compromise. I figured out how this will work! Basically, I am going to use this, my blog, to document and write about the projects I'm working on. Aight?? So for those of you who were reading this so that you could pick up some juicy gossip and be nosy about what's going on in my head, leave now ;) Just kidding...you can stay, but don't expect to be very entertained. Hehe. 

I think it will be cool to be able to look back and remember things I made and when I made them. And maybe, just maybe you will be inspired to go and create something with your own bare hands! :)

That's not to say that I might have the odd post about something other than DIY projects and whatnot. Who knows. 

Thanks for reading! 

Megan. x

P.S. I think I need a new name for this whole thing since I'm not going to be so much "rambling". Any ideas, please let me know. :)

P.P.S. Since I'm kind of starting this blog adventure all over again, I'm thinking about just making a whole new blog on tumblr or something. Not sure yet..

Friday 22 July 2011

A Book in my Bag.

I've decided recently, in attempt to read more, I should keep a book in my handbag at all times because it's surprising how many times in a day/week that you find yourself in those situations where you have nothing to do (i.e. waiting for a bus or something). So rather than checking my facebook every 2 minutes for potential notifications, I'm going to try and get some reading done and in the process feed my brain something with a little more substance than instead of..."so and so likes your status". 

Anyways, so this is the literature of choice for my handbag at present. 

It's a really good book. 

I got it last week from an opshop that is quite possibly the closest thing to Heaven that I've discovered on Earth. I kid you not. It's FULL of books on every faith-related topic you can think of from intense as theology texts to Christian biographies to books on worship, leadership, gifts of the Holy Spirit, spiritual warfare..you name it, it's there. 
It's so awesome. 
And really cheap too! I think the most expensive book I got was like, $4 or something and that was quite a big textbook that I got for my Theology III paper coming up next year. 

Anyways. Just thought I would share that with you. 
I'll let you know what my next handbag book is once I get done reading this one. :)

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Microwave Rainbow Smores.

There they were..tiny little multicoloured marshmallows sitting all cute and tiny and marshmallowy on the bench..

Nearby on the same bench were the simple, yet delicious round-wine biscuits sitting all simple and delicious and round-winey ...

and then the thought hits me..


Okay so it wasn't as glorious and dramatic as I make it sound, but there was a lot of enthusiasm and passion in this glorious smore-making process. But that could have something to do with the coffee I had made earlier combined with my low tolerance to caffeine.  Hmm.

Anywho. I made a smore. And then the second time 'round I added chocolate!

Bubbly chocolate to be precise! Yum yum yum! Here is my second attempt all loaded up and ready to be nuked in the microwave..

This is a disastrous photo but I just like it 'cause you can see the little marshmallows going all puffy and exploding haha. Beautiful.

And then this is what it looks like when you take it out of the microwave..kinda messy..

BUT then you plop the top on and oh my! What a treat! Party in the mouth fo' shoa!

Ooey gooey deliciousity! 
(I might have just used a non-word, but that's okay..)

So exciting that I got chocolate on my glasses..woops..

So there you have it. Microwave Rainbow Smores. Try it! 

Monday 4 July 2011

Box of badges (or buttons or whatever you want to call them)

I've been collecting badges for like, 12 years or so, but these days my collection tends to just sit in a box under my bed. So, you can imagine the creative sparks that were going off in my brain when I found this picture on Pinterest the other day!

SUCH  cool idea! I'm not sure if I like the heart shape, but I think the badges stuck onto a canvas is completely BRILLIANT. I'm still not sure whether I will actually do this, because most of my badges have quite a lot of sentimental value attached to them and it would seem kinda wrong to permanently glue them to a canvas but..we'll see. I do want to do something with them because it feels equally wrong to have them just sitting under my bed. 
Anyways, so today I decided to get my box of badges and see what came about. First I lay them on a canvas to see what it would look like, and I quite like it. Even in a heart shape.

What do you think? 
Not bad, huh? I'm not 100% convinced yet. And also, if I were to go ahead and glue them on, I probably wouldn't use those exact ones haha. There's some real weird ones on there! Like the old man with writing from some mysterious language..kinda weird..haha

I found these ones that I forgot I had too..

I love this one! Hahaha. I want to wear it everyday. 

I love lame puns

Bit of a collage. 

So there you have it. My box of badges.

 I used to be a chronic collector when I was little. Everything from tic tac boxes, stickers, winnie the pooh stuff (anything and everything) to those little mondo toys that you bought for like $1.20 in a box with a lollipop...you name it, I collected it.

 It's so funny when you look back and think about all the time and money that got used on collections and little treasures that you felt like you would love forever. Makes me kinda wonder what I might be wasting my time + money on these days..haha. I suppose that's why Jesus advised us to, "...store up for yourselves treasures in heaven" (Mat. 6:20). Hmm. Nice way to end on a spiritual note, eh! Haha.

Be blessed, beautiful people. 
Megan. xo 

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Glory Box Update

I took these photos almost a month ago. Since then I've been on some serious opshopping trips and have gathered a plethora of new goodies. So I must apologize, these  photos are now a little out of date. But oh well. I'll throw them up anyways. 

So there it is. My little (actually quite big) box of glory. Next time I'll include a shot of the actual box. It's CRAZY big! My mum bought it off the internet not realizing how big it is. It actually kinda looks a little like a coffin, so when she was driving it home in her car it looked somewhat like a hearse haha. Such fun. 

Caio for now! 
Megan. xo

Sunday 22 May 2011

Teacups From Nana Brown

My nana came to visit a few weeks ago. Last time she was here (in January), we got into discussions about glory boxes and how me and my friend Jamie wanted to start them. Since then I've been slowly collecting bits and pieces for my glory box and it's starting to fill up. I love opening it up and looking at all my treasures in there that will one day be used by me and (hopefully :P) my family. 

Anyways. So back to my nana. She found some things that she had gathered back when she was my age to go in to her glory box, and decided to pass them on to me for my glory box. My favourite things she gave me were these tea cups. I absolutely adore them! 

Cute cute cuuute!

I think I like this one best.

There's something really cool about pre-loved things, and something even more special when they're handed down from your family members. I think it's so cool that these tea cups were originally bought (or is it "brought"..?) to go into my nana's glory box in preparation for a whole new life that lay ahead of her, and now they're going into mine, also in preparation for a whole new season in my life that lies ahead.

 I have absolutely no idea where they'll go, who will use them, or even when they'll get used, but for now they sit in my glory box as both a part of my nana's history, and a part of my future.
 How magnificent. 

Here's to the future. 
(Hopefully one involving lots of tea parties)

P.S. One day soon I will take photos of the things in my glory box and post them. 

Friday 6 May 2011


I don't know whether I'm a little late getting on this train, but I've just started getting in to pinterest.com (by the way, I think it's silly that you have to be "invited" to join up. Like, how snobby and exclusive is that? One of my personality traits is inclusive in case you can't tell haha). Anyways, as I was searching through some photos today, I came across this really cool photo of a family tree.

Neat, huh?! I think the original source of the photo is a company that makes them as a print and sells them, but I'm going to just be cheeky and steal the idea to do it on a canvas. I'm really excited about it! Not only will I (hopefully) end up with a real cool piece of art at the end, but also I will have a greater knowledge of my family history and whatnot. I went on a marae trip recently with my Vision college class. 

(This is a picture from outside the marae)

Anyways, as a part of the whole experience, each of us had to write out our pepeha which is kind of like your introduction explaining where you come from and your family background and whatnot. But one thing I was struck with was how little I actually even know about my family heritage, and so by doing this project I'm hoping I can change that. At this point, I think I will do one canvas for my mother's side of the family, and another for my dad's side. Oh! I just love new projects! Haha. :)

In other, completely unrelated news, I found this super cool article on stumbleupon today which was all about how to best use space if you have a really small house or apartment or whatever and it was entitled "7 Ways To Get Rid of the Bed". It showed all of these cool ideas of how to put your bed in a place where it doesn't take up all of the room in your living space. Why am I telling you this? Because it had some seriously cool photos of fancy schmancy designer beds. Check this one out! 

(If you want to see the article for yourself, here's the link http://www.treehugger.com/files/2009/02/7-ways-to-get-rid-of-the-bed.php)

So rad! I probably wouldn't want my bed to be like that personally, but I think it's such a clever design. I love reading things like that. Even though I don't even have my own house or anything haha. It's still fun to dream..:)

Anywho. That's enough rambling for now!
Megan xox

P.S. If you want to follow me on Pinterest, go here: http://pinterest.com/meganwarn/